This is a quick little project. I didn't do really any stitching last week because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next. Sometimes that happens after a big finish. But I just decided I could find a small project to do that might be fun. So I picked this since I am making a little collection of food-themed embroideries to put in the kitchen. I managed to squeeze in 10 different stitches in this little project! I thought that was quite good. Saved myself from doing a whole lot of satin stitching, and succeeded in making the project lots more interesting than it otherwise would have been.
I still have to find a new project again. I got an interim project to work on this time. Something that is taking a long time since I'm not excited about it. Maybe I can do an update on it to motivate myself. ;)
That's such a sweet little project! I think the beads are my favorite part of it. They fit so perfectly. It looks great even without any satin stitching.