Monday, January 16, 2012

Stitches are like brush strokes

I've worked hard on this, but now it's finally completed. It isn't a project, but instead my first book of embroidery, and I just have to say something about it here.
This is my first book, so I start at the beginning. My main theme throughout the book is that embroidery is an artform and for us, the stitches are our brush strokes. We can learn to use them, just as an artist would to achieve different effects. However, we must learn to use those brushes through practicing the stitches and seeing the possibilities each one offers us. I start with 10 basic stitches, not just how to form them, but ideas of how they can be varied and used in projects. There are suggested exercises for each one to help get you started. Then there are 7 patterns included for you to work with.  The book is 42 pages plus the patterns with many photos from my embroideries. In short, I don't just tell you how to make a bunch of stitches, but rather the goal is to show you some of the possibilities and get you thinking in a different way.

This book is a beginning but not just for beginners, but for all of us seeking to make our work more personal. We all have a different viewpoint, let this come across as you choose stitches to incorporate into your work. And remember, the main thing about art is that it is an expression from within by the artist, so take the time to learn the media and techniques to help you increase that expression.

It took me 8 months of on and off again work to put this together. In that time my ideas had time to grow and develop, and in some ways, this book is almost like a journal (although it isn't written like one). I've been a stitcher and an embroiderer for awhile now - I'm not a "beginner", but as I came to the conclusion of this project, I realized that I really am just a beginner, there is so much more to do and learn.  Now it's time to get going and really start stitching!!!


  1. Congrats on your first book! Can't wait to purchase it as soon as I'm able. I really love your idea of not just showing the basic stitches but of how to use each one different ways. As a true beginner I think this will become a constant companion! Thank you so much for working so hard to give this to your followers and at such a great price!!

  2. Well done - what an achievement!

    I too am writing a book (but it's on common mistakes made by learners of Chinese, not embroidery!!), and I know how much work and dedication it takes. Sadly, I get tired of a project too quickly...

    Having said that, I've just signed up for your Embroidery Journal Project.=)

  3. Congratulations on your first book I can't wait to be able to purchase it. I'm not a complete beginner but I do need to learn to think "outside the box" and I'm sure this will help me

    Jackie x

  4. This looks like a perfect little book to have as reference for all these stitches. I think I "need" it!!!

  5. I just tried to buy your new book but it takes me to some strange page i have never seen before from Google!!! What is this...a google store or something....can I trust this page to buy something from it? HELP!!!

    1. Cynthia... just thought of letting you know (in case Emily is away from her pc)... I just purchased it and the google page you are referring to is just asking you to accept communication between your account and Emily's website, when you click *accept* right away signs you up and it takes you back to Emily's website and you are able to proceed with the purchase. Which you will be able to download, a few seconds to a minute after paying for it, from the *Orders* tab by clicking the *download* tab at the end of your order description/transaction. Hope it helps!

  6. Emily, Congrats on your 1st e-book! I just purchased mine and at this very moment is printing :-). Can't wait to sit and read through it ;-).

  7. I purchased it, Emily, along with some of your fabulous crewel patterns! I'm about halfway through with the e-book and am enjoying it very much :-).

  8. Hi, thanks all for the comments. If you don't want to or have troubles logging in my site, the book is on my etsy too - Just look for the floss box there.

    I really do hope you get some good inspiration. It helps me when I re-read even though I wrote it!!

  9. I liked what you said so much I bought the book. I love your work and I'm hoping to learn from you!


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