Friday, February 10, 2012

Bee and Flowers Stumpwork Embroidery

I have to admit that this project tested me. I wasn't at all happy with it as I went along. I was determined that it would be finished though.
Hard to say what exactly bother me so much. I can tell you though that I thought the bee body looked very odd when it was just the fuzzy yellow and brown, especially next to the flowers. After I add the beads and antennae it suddenly looked much better. The wings of course helped too.
I made everything with cotton threads but the bee body. Those are Appleton wool threads. I just wanted to try a different look than cotton offered. It worked out in the end.

Now I put this aside and see what is next on the list! I am going to do a chevron stitch sampler next, and maybe the herringbone too. Then I plan to do my February journal project. I already have a picture  ready to stitch. Then there is a rabbit waiting for me. You see, there is much to do! :) I have a new side hobby I am going to show soon too. I just need to get some scans. I have a lot to say about it so I have to think a little.  I'll be back soon! :) Until then keep those needles flying!!!!!


  1. Gorgeous, I really love this piece.

  2. i keep finding my way back to your blog. your work is beautiful and so inspiring.

  3. That's very cute! I like how the flower petals look like little fingers. :)


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