Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Hare Crewel Embroidery

This is my finish for the week:
As you see more crewel embroidery. This has a little bit of spring feeling to it, which is good timing because the weather is improving quickly! I didn't really plan it, but this to me has a little bit of old time sampler feeling. I like that. I might think of other ways to bring that feeling out.

I wrote a long post about Pinterest, but I wasn't sure this was the best place for it. I have to think about it. I am not writing about how to use it, but rather how to protect yourself from it. They are basically uploading your photos to their server and claiming ownership whenever someone "pins" something of yours. A flurry of articles is being written, and most are calling it wholesale copyright infringement. I think a lot of crafters and artists need to be very wary. Personally I welcome people to use my images IF I get proper credit, but in this world, that is not a given, so I am going to be marking my photos from now on, even if I think it ruins them in a way.

Now I have to see what projects there are for doing! I am waiting on some needlepoint canvas to come. Am I about to start needlepoint? Well, there will be some but what I really need is a sturdy fabric so I can try my hand at some projects with more dimension in them. There is lots to learn. It should be fun!


  1. Another lovely piece! I really wish I had more time to dedicate to embroidery.

    I have been considering putting watermarks on my photos to prevent the same thing. For now, I have disabled right clicks on my blog but I'm not sure I like that completely. I know I'm a chronic right clicker to open new tabs.

  2. This is lovely. I recently developed an interest in embroidery and I am not good at all! But I keep practicing.

    I love Pinterest, but my to-do list for this weekend includes going through all my pins to make sure everything links back to the original post/artist. Like the previous commenter, I right click a lot, just so I can see details, so it's frustrating when right-click is disabled. Watermarks may be a partial solution. I enjoy pinning and just being inspired, but I definitely do not want to cause any infringement.

  3. Thanks for bringing the pinterest matters to my attention, I will crossschekc , b'coz I update many of my creations to the board ..

    I love your embroidery skills and the way you finish your project so quickly... very admirable...

  4. I love the birdies on this piece :-).

    I think it's smart to include a watermark on your photos. It drives me bat-caca-crazy when someone's Pin doesn't link back to the original source, or if they haven't somehow credited the original source. There are many times I give up on repinning something because I can't find the original source -- in those instances, a watermark would help me be able to find & credit that source.

  5. I think its good to watermark your designs too. I had a design stolen from me a few years back and it ended up being published as a quilt pattern! I don't know how people live with themselves. I love your patterns and am teaching myself stumpwork.


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