Wednesday, August 31, 2016

10 Reasons to do Embroidery

I thought I would have some fun today, so here is my top ten list:

1. It's relaxing! I always get energy back after working on embroidery for awhile.

2. It's meditative.  The repeated movements becoming a pattern, creating a picture. It's a great way to destress and be creative.

3. Working with tactile materials.  The yarns and fabrics are so delightful to touch, so many different feelings.. soft wool, cool rayons, smooth cottons. Try them all and see what they add to your work!

4. It's all about color! Reds, greens, browns, blues, variegated! So much beautiful shades to combine and play with.

5. Collecting. If you love collecting, embroidery is definitely the thing! So many types of threads to collect and enjoy.

6. It's great for decorating. Embroidered pictures, wall hangings, pillows, quilts, clothing and on. Add a personal touch to your home with your own handicraft.

7. It's an art form. Like all art forms, embroidery allows for endless possibilities for self-expression. Use it to show the world what's on your mind!

8. Connect with an ancient tradition. Embroidery has an amazing history. It was once the primary way to decorate fabric. Museums, books, and online resources are a great way to learn more.

9. Working with sparkly stuff. Yes, this is the super cool part, the beads, the metallic fibers, it's all so fun! And it can add a lot of interest to your work.

10. There is so much to learn! So many styles, so many designs and materials, so many ways to show the world your work.

Give embroidery a try if you haven't yet! I'm always willing to answer beginner questions, and inspiration is always free!

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